P-05-853 No to any Closure of Junction 41, Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 15.05.19

I find the response disappointing as the surrounding roads go through Port Talbot Town, many housing estates with thousands of people living and working in them, many schools and sports pitches. I would personally would prefer any poluttion to be on an elevated stretch of motorway where the air will rise and where drivers pass through in minutes causing little harm than in our wonderful town where our residents live 24/7 365!

This petition also follows a previous one where other reasons were given by myself and hundreds of others along with a 20 thousand signature petition that was handed in to the Petitions Committee by myself and 2 coach loads of NPT residents. The issues being congestion of our roads, the demise of our town due to loss of earnings from retail and businesses, shop closures, difficulty getting out of Baglan onto a congested dual carriageway & school students safety.

I would hope that the Petitions Committee remembers the previous petition from approximately 4 years ago and are shown the responses to that along with the Petion signed by literally thousands of residents as well as this one.



Cllr C Clement-Williams

Cabinet Member for Finance NPTCBC